News & Updates

Revelations of Genetic Diversity of Bass Species can Enhance Conservation

June 13, 2022
A new study by Yale ichthyologists provides a clearer picture of species diversity among black basses — one of the most cherished and economically important lineages of...

Discovery of Lonely Tortoise Doubles Known Members of Galapagos Species

June 9, 2022
The discovery in 2019 of a lone small female tortoise living on one of the most inaccessible islands of the Galapagos Islands has baffled evolutionary biologists. Only one...

Taking Dinosaurs’ Temperature with a New Biomarker

May 27, 2022
A Yale-led research team has turned up the heat on dinosaur metabolism — establishing that the earliest dinosaurs and pterosaurs had exceptionally high metabolic rates and...
Carla Staver

Fighting Fire with Fire — Literally

May 18, 2022
Yale Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and Associate Director of the Yale Institute for Biospheric Studies (YIBS), Carla Staver, has started hundreds of fires –...

Nonlethal Parasite Infections Can Lead to a Greener World

May 14, 2022
In their recent PNAS paper, YIBS affiliate & EEB Professor Vanessa Ezenwa report on how sublethal parasitic infections can decrease herbivory rates, thus triggering...

Eight Yale Faculty Members Elected to American Academy of Arts and Sciences

May 2, 2022
Eight Yale faculty members (including YIBS affiliates Karen Seto, Richard Bribiescas, and YIBS External Advisory Board member, Dame Alison Richard) are among the 261...
A living foraminifera in culture, surrounded by a halo of symbiotic algae along its spines (in golden dots). Fluffy material in the background is an Artemia nauplius that the foraminifera is eating. (Daniel Gaskell)

Core Aspects of Climate Models are Sound — the Proof’s in the Plankton

March 21, 2022
Continents reconfigure, oceans shift, and ice sheets thicken and thaw, but for the past 95 million years Earth’s engine for distributing ocean heat has remained remarkably...
