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The Northern Treeshrew (Tupaia belangeri) (©

An Ecological Rule Breaker Shows the Effects of Climate Change on Body Size

November 29, 2022
The Northern Treeshrew, a small, bushy-tailed mammal native to South and Southeast Asia, defies two of the most widely tested ecological “rules” of body size variation within...
Armita Manafzadeh

YIBS Postdoc Wins Romer Prize for 3D Modeling of Extinct Animal Joints

November 18, 2022
Yale Institute for Biospheric Studies (YIBS) Gaylord Donnelley Postdoctoral Associate, Armita Manafzadeh was presented the Romer Prize by the Society of Vertebrate...
Inuit harvesters boating along the shore of Mittimatalik (Pond Inlet), Nunavut, Canada

Sappho Gilbert National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Podcast

November 17, 2022
Ph.D. Candidate at the Yale School of Public Health & YIBS Science Communications Fellow, Sappho Gilbert was recently interviewed on the National Institute of...
Huperzia lucidula, also known as Shining club-moss

Researchers Solve Hundred-Year-Old Botanical Mystery that was Key to the Spread of Plant Life on Land

November 16, 2022
YSE-led research has discovered the answer to a 100-year-old paleontology mystery — how early plants emerged from their watery habitats to grow on land through changes to...
Grass - Essential and Overlooked Biomes - Science Magazine

The History and Challenge of Grassy Biomes

October 12, 2022
Grasses tend to be undervalued but have influenced the trajectory of human history through their domestication as food staples, as well as natural ecosystems worldwide. YIBS...
The Smoky Mountains are home to about 30 species of lungless salamanders, including Plethodon montanus. Mike Belleme

Natural Inspiration

September 22, 2022
Assistant Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology & YIBS Faculty Affiliate, Martha Muñoz, has shown that organisms can influence their own evolution, a lesson she’s...
Similar leaf types evolved independently in three species of plants found in cloud forests of Oaxaca, Mexico and three species of plants in similar environment in Chiapas, Mexico. This example of parallel evolution is one of several found by Yale-led scientists and suggests that evolution may be predictable.

Plant Study Hints Evolution May be Predictable

July 22, 2022
Evolution has long been viewed as a rather random process, with the traits of species shaped by chance mutations and environmental events — and therefore largely...
