News & Updates

Can "assisted evolution" save the world's coral reefs?

April 11, 2016
YIBS board member Elizabeth Kolbert asks what it will take to save the world’s coral reefs and forests in the April 18, 2016 issue of The New Yorker. She describes her...

Are drones coming to Yale?

March 29, 2016
Unmanned aerial systems take the measure of Yale in a workshop with Professor Xuhui Lee. By Juliana Hanle, YIBS Science Communication Fellow (julia...

New in Field Notes: Oak trees, zooplankton and environmental change

March 10, 2016
Discover how oak trees are keeping pace with climate change in Spain and how zooplankton can adapt to changing conditions in Connecticut’s coastal lakes in two new...

Meet our new Bass Visiting Environmental Scholars

March 3, 2016
YIBS is delighted to welcome four new Bass Distinguished Visiting Environmental Scholars to Yale during Spring 2016. Aaron Ellison Dr. Ellison is a Senior Research Fellow in...

Former YIBS student brings archeology to the masses—from space!

February 19, 2016
By Juliana Hanle, YIBS Science Communication Fellow (juliana.hanle@yale.ed...

New in Field Notes: Ponds, Pipes and Parasites

February 9, 2016
Suburban ponds reveal a plethora of parasites, raising questions about amphibian health By Agnes Walton, YIBS Science Communication Fellow (agnes...

Request for proposals for new YIBS Research Program

February 8, 2016
The Yale Institute for Biospheric Studies is now accepting proposals for new Research Programs. Research Program support is intended to foster collaboration among multiple...
