Small Grants Program Past Recipients

2024 Award Recipients

Early Grants 

Dalila Destanovic Uncovering speciation mechanisms of neuston in global populations of Portuguese man of war (Physalia)

Isabela Hernández Rodriguez

Discovering the behavioral and ecophysiological diversity of Caribbean rain frogs
Sofi Montalvo Yanez Herbivory and ant behavior inside Devil’s gardens: a comparative study of Duroia hirsuta populations in Yasuní, Ecuador
Marie Norwood Characterizing fire impacts on vegetation in southeastern United States hardwood forests
Makenna Parkinson Metal-organic frameworks as model material for the study of ion transport in natural systems
Jonathan Pertile How are patterns of gene flow shaped by habitat heterogeneity in an arboreal, pair-living mammal?
Sydney Riemer Tracking changes to the global phosphorus cycle with the evolution of vascular land plants
Sophie Roberts Biodiversity in agroforestry: aligning social and ecological sustainable development
Claire Schraidt Variation in thiaminase activity between anadromous and landlocked ecotypes of alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus)
Hagar Soliman The role of imprinted genes in postzygotic isolation
Wyatt Tatge Understanding the movement of weathering products from enhanced rock weathering using an integrated hydrologic model approach
Uthara Vengrai Global changes effects on soil greenhouse gas exchange along a temperature gradient in the U.S. Central Grasslands
Maggie Weber Does coinfection affect the quantity or quality of parasite propagules?
Lan Wei Exploring species delimitation in Dudleya (Crassulaceae)

Late Grants 

Namrata Ahuja Population dynamics of the cosmopolitan siphonophore, Nanomia
Brian Beaty Bioturbation and biogeochemical cycling across the Permian-Triassic extinction and recovery interval
Liz Brabson Pacing and pathways of carbon sequestration in a warm Pliocene ocean
Henry Camarillo Diversification of feeding morphology in lungless salamanders
Haysun Choi Sexual selection in ecological and evolutionary frameworks
Gabriel Gadsden Philadelphia neighborhood influences on predator assemblages as integrated pest management
Susanna Maisto Fluorine NMR for monitoring of PFAS in water and soil samples
Sarah Martini Seasons of fish: Late Holocene interactions of the human and marine biosphere in a boundary zone, Peru
Bugra Sahin Thermoresponsive hydrogel nanocomposites for water treatment
Alma Trujillo Miranda Biotic edge effects in fragmented forests: experimental assessment of natural enemy impacts on palm regeneration at forest edge vs interior
Petra Wakker Understanding the relative effects of temporal niche partitioning and phenological optimization on seasonal community structure
David Wood  Behavior and energetics of infant care in a biparental, neotropical primate (Plecturocebus cupreus)
Joseph Zailaa Disentangling abscisic acid and aquaporin regulation of leaf hydraulic decline and stomatal behavior in response to atmospheric drought

2023 Award Recipients

Early Grants 

Nathalie Alomar
Hidden dimensions of diversity in woodland salamanders
Aishwarya Bhandari Snow leopard (Panther uncia) density site in Ladakh, India
Seung Hee Chae
Investigating the feasibility of using nanobubble-enabled advanced oxidation
Andie Creel National recreation demand modeling
Arun Dayanandan
Harnessing novel forest successional trajectories of mixed-species forest plantation systems to mitigate climate change impacts
Lisa Freisem
Early development of the mid- and hindbrain in saurians
Gabriel Gadsden Drivers of neighborhood rodent communities and their zoonotic pathogens in Philadelphia
Stacey Gerasimov
Investigating a link between supercontinent breakup, carbon cycle dynamics, and the diversification of animal life
Elly Goetz
Investigating the molecular diversity of foraminiferal propagules in the Arctic using eDNA metabarcoding
Gryphen Goss Dynamic behavior of the Svalbard-Barents Sea Ice Sheet during the Mid-Pleistocene
Vincent Haller
Modelling forest biomass for Redd+ at local scale - a pilot study in evergreen forests of the Chiloe Island, Chile
Arata Honda
A mysterious marsupial medley in New Guinea’s forest canopy
Noah Houpt The influence of niche construction on the repeatabliity of evolution in bacteria
Swathi Nachiar Manivannan
Characterizing phenotypic differences of Vibrio cholerae in external and host environments
Elizabeth Nowlin
Assessing how historical variation in urban neighborhood housing and greenspace development is linked to contemporary mammal biodiversity in cities
Emmanuel Oduro Takyi
Determinants of variations in fire-induced tree mortality in a savanna biome
Kate Pippenger Reconstructing the mid-Paleozoic evolution of bioturbation in the Great Basin
Gino Rivera Bulnes Spatial distribution of human-carnivore interactions in Ica Valley
Will Rogers How do infections affect prey responses to predator cues?
Silvina Slagter Testing the use of Ge/Si ratios as a proxy for the fossilization of Earth’s earliest animal ecosystems
Helen Stone  Phenotypic adaptation of viruses to seasonal fluctuations in temperature
Samantha Tracy Corticosteroid and thyroid hormone as biochemical markers of temperature induced stress in Rana sylvatica
Sam Wilson Remote sensing investigations of the Big Sagebrush Ecoregion

Late Grants 

Logan Billet Ranavirus die-off timing and synchrony: does pathogen accumulation play a role?
Scott Carpenter The future of a migration pathway and winter forage bank: examining the effects of climate change and grazing on the stablity of big sagebrush plant communities
Annie Haws Matemorphic carbon dioxide fluxes to the atmosphere: implications for long-term climate evolution and anthropogenic carbon sequestration
Aishwarya Iyer Residential buildings in urban India: energy efficiency and thermal comfort in the future
Inhyeong Jeon Thermosensitive polymers for control of surface interactions in sustainable small-scale water treatment systems
Julia Laterza Barbosa Does arboreality influence the evolution of hydrothermal physiology in neotropical frogs?
Kate McNally Newfoundland ghost nets: fathoming commercial fisheries and the debris of empire
Alexie Millikin Re-Os geochronology & stratigraphy of the Transvaal Supergroup: assessing the link between oxygenation and climatic change during the early Paleoproterozoic
Liam Taylor Social development, plumage development, and the evolution of adolescence in a colony-nesting seabird (Herring Gulls, Larus argentatus)

2022 Award Recipients

Early Grants 

Frannie Adams 
Influences of brackish river water salinity gradients on greenhouse gas fluxes of disturbed and undisturbed mangrove ecosystems
Namrata Ahuja
An exploration of the local diversity in the Atlantic
Robert Anderson
The effects of climate change on plant community composition in western Wyoming, and implications for wildlife migration
Henry Camarillo
Evolutionary biomechanics of feeding performance in lungless salamanders (Family: Plethodontidae)
Jonathan Gewirtzman
Toward biological understanding and ecosystem scale quantification of methane emissions from temperate forest trees
Emma Grover
Influence of developmental stage and life history on leaf traits in tropical rain forest trees
Janey Lienau 
Ground beetle nitrogen cycling in eastern temperate forests
Urmila Mallick
Differentiating livestock - and wildlife-mediated soil carbon storage in Botswana’s Makgadikgadi landscape
Cameron McKenzie
Vertical niche differentiation as a driver of Epiphyte diversity in a neotropical premontane cloud forest
Sydney Nelson
Measuring prevalence and distribution of ranavirus in a metapopulation of wood frogs (Lithobates sylvatica) in a suburban setting
Oluwatobi Oso
Developmental anatomy and evolution of overwintering buds in Viburnum
Josh Randall
Phenotypic plasticity and evolution in viburnum following glacial recession
Rachel Renne
Investigating shrub-grass interactions in big sagebrush ecosystems
Abby Skwara
A novel statistical approach to predict the structure-function landscape of ecological systems
Julia Wood
Phylogeography and systematics of Percidae using ultraconserved elements
Joseph Zailaa
Investigating the drivers of evaporative leaf water loss in diverse native-California species

Late Grants 

Yara Alshwairikh 
Past, present and future adaptation: forecasting future climate risk from the genomes of wood frogs
Brooke Bodensteiner
Do viviparous lizards and snakes face a heightened risk from climate change?
Nicholas Brown
Assessing pre-hispanic late holocene change in domesticated camelid diet and mobility at the high-altitude archaeological site of Chawin Punta in the Andes of Pasco, Peru
Anri Chomentowska
Investigating the evolution of syndromes: life history, mating system, and environmental niche of a desert-alpine lineage in the plant family Montiaceae
Alexa Duchesneau
White-faced capuchin (Cebus capucinus) Nutritional Goals, Life History and Fitness in a Changing Climate
Diego Ellis Soto
Responses of birds and mammals to ENSO allow iterative forecasting of species responses to climatic events in the Galapagos
Caleb Gordon
Evaluating the interplay of limb anatomy and extinction risk in the fossil record of aquatic reptiles
Spencer Irvine
Morphometric analysis of primate hips and knees in relation to leaping behavior
Kelsey Jenkins
The Early Evolution and Radiation of Reptiles
Katherine Meier
Fruits and floods: gorilla, chimpanzee, and elephant diets in a seasonally-flooded peat swamp forest
Lauren Mellenthin
Stiffness of senescing: determining adult medusae age of Long Island Sound jellyfish species (Cyanea capillata) using material properties
Nathalie Sommer
Animal-driven soil biogeochemical cycles under climate variability
Daniel Stadtmauer
A spatially-resolved view of the evolution of cellular niches in the endometrium of viviparous mammals
Shoko Yamada
Toxicity, remediation, and land transformations in post-industrial Japan

2021 Award Recipients

Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Awards

Wyatt Arnold  Development of a bio-based tool for quantifying wetland methane emissions
Arielle Biro Quantifying nitrogen fixation rates in savanna ecosystems 
Matthew Dougherty Environmental DNA monitors Alewives (Alosa Pseudoharengus) as invaders and species of conservation concern 
Kristy Ferraro  Experimentally exploring the role of ungulate calving sites on nutrient cycling
Elyse Parker  Integrating genetics, morphology, and ecology to investigate species boundaries and infer the evolutionary history of a non-Antarctic Notothenioid radiation (Notothenioidei: Pathagonotothen) 
Jack Shaw  Disentangling deep-time food webs 

Doctoral Pilot Awards

Roxanne Armfield  Exploring the evolution of Alethinophidian snake cranial anatomy from a musculoskeletal perspective
Logan Billet Exploring the causes and consequences of Rana virus epidemics in a Wood Frog metapopulation experiencing recurring mass mortality events
Scott Carpenter Plant community response to a large-scale mortality event in big sage brush systems
Hayon Michelle Choi Effect modification of greenness on temperature-mortality relationship, using a multi-country, multi-city dataset 
Alexander Polussa  Fine spatial resolution of Saprotrophic fungal functional traits 
Alex Ruebenstahl  Using skeletal correlates in the skull and palate to investigate major shifts in Archosaur respiration 
Christian Espinosa Schatz Climate knowledge and Agrarian practice: Mayan highlanders’ responses to climate change
Akshay Surendra Soil or soil microbes? Experimentally disentangling below-ground biotic and abiotic drivers of tree-habitat associations in a mixed-Dipterocarp forest 

Masters Awards

Vivian Bi  Mitigation, Migration, and Modernization: Accumulating difference in household energy transitions in peri-urban Beijing
Jacqueline Buonfiglio Consumptive and non-consumptive effects on grouse and indirect effects on primary producers from predation by Alaskan gyrfalcons
Francis Commercon Collaborative networks for Chinese migratory shorebird conservation
Lloyd Farley  Prickly Pear Paradigms: Scientific knowledge production in North Africa 
Ben Girgenti  Plugging Holes in Natural Climate Solutions: The effects of iron soil amendments on methane emissions through Pontederia Cordata and Acorus Americanus 
Aarthi Kannan  Estimating the population and density of Indian Wolves in Koppal District, India using non-invasive genetic sampling and a spatially explicit capture recapture framework
Carolyn Savoldelli  Upland Marsh Migration: Quantifying ecotone response to sea-level rise and large storm events 
Uthara Vengrai  Soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics across grazing intensities and variable precipitation


2020 Award Recipients

Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Awards

A. Arietta  Evolution of intrinsic rates: Disentangling processes of local adaptation to climate change 
Mike Blazanin  Developing a high-throughput assay for bacteria-phage interactions 
T.C. Chakraborty  The biophysical impacts of aerosols: Long-term feedback and urban-scale interactions 
Alisha Chan  Creating a sense of community and perceptions of flood risk security for flash flood victims through stormwater stewardship 
Carlye Chaney  Endocrine-distrupting chemical exposure and developmental programming in the Qom of Argentina 
Bukhchuluun Deshazeveg Bronze Age mortuary practices of pastoral nomads of Mongolia: Adaptation, interaction, and social changes 
Chelsea Jack Hemp: A revival 
Borina Kalderon Asael  Using Li isotopes to track carbon-silica cycle evolution
Daniel Smith Parades The musculoskeletal evolution and development of turtle trochlear and neck retracting mechanisms 
Megan Sullivan  Detecting changes to biodiversity mechanisms in selectively logged forests using seedling dynamics 

Doctoral Pilot Awards

Yara Alshwairikh  Uncovering parallel adaptation in the Wood Frog 
Brian Beaty The bioturbation record of extinction and recovery across the Permo-Triassic of Svalbard
Brooke Lee Bodensteiner

Assessing vulnerability of tropical lizards in a warming world

Aleca Borsuk  Carbon dioxide transport in the intercellular airspaces of the leaf and the photosynthetic response: Testing a new anatomical framework 
Anri Chomentowska  Life history and mating system trait evolution in a desert-alpine lineage: A phylogenetic approach
Caleb Gordon  Testing an evolutionary developmental model for the formation of flippers in secondarily aquatic reptiles 
Benjamin Hess  Connecting local deformation to regional processes in the Alps with implications for paleotopography and paleobiogeography 
Hannah Keller  Environmental impact on ancient human foragers in eastern and southern Africa 
Jasmine Mah  The evolution of cell type diversity in Trichoplax adhaerens 
Dalton Meyer  Investigating squamate evolution through computed tomography 
Tom Reershemius Matras Sands of time: Putting numbers on the Archaean silica cycle 
Nathalie Sommer  Linking functional forms of phenotypic plasticity to ecosystem stoichiometry 
Wayne Strojie Expanding carbonate-based Oligocene pCO2 (atm) records using the d11B pH-pCO2 proxy with emphasis on the Late Oligocene Warming Event (L.O.W.E.)
Elisabeth Ward  Towards a mechanistic understanding of the relationships between disturbance, plant invasions, and soil nutrient availability in temperate hardwood forests

Masters Awards

Itai Boneh Fe(III)’s effect on methane emissions from Ientic systems
Damaris Chenoweth  Modeling the regeneration of big sagebrush communities at disturbances due to oil and gas extraction 
Rebecca Dube Investigating the forest-to-marsh transition zones and historical extent of marsh migration in Barn Island, Connecticut 
Nora Hardy  Floodplain wetland vegetation recovery trajectories at dam removal sites in Connecticut
Minne Min Ying Li  Three-dimensional urban structure modeling by declassified remote sensed imagery
Qinrui Xiahou How international investment affects the energy development: Evidence from Asia’s coal power plants 
Anelise Zimmer Identifying locations for climate resilient coral reef restoration in Maunalua Bay, Hawaii


2019 Award Recipients

Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Awards

Kelly Aho Controls on GHG evasion from streams and rivers
Mary Burak Spatial-Genetic Applications for Apex Predator Conservation in a Changing Ecosystem
Paul Burow Social and Cultural Impacts of Native and Nonnative Species on Great Basin Landscapes and Livelihoods
Alejandro Damian Serrano Identifying the diets of siphonophores in the Offshore Northern California Current Ecosystem
Daniel Gaskell Constraining ontogenetic controls on planktonic foraminiferal metabolism and stable isotopes by live culturing in Bermuda
Stephen Gaughran Modelling fitness effects in endangered and abundant seal species
Christopher Hebdon Swidden-fallow Agroforestry Knowledge in Ecuador: Farmer and Governmental Perspectives
Nicolas Mongiardino Koch Phylogenetics as a key to the macroevolutionary history of sea urchins
Jasmina Weimann Characterizing phylogenetic information retained in Metazoan protein fossilization products
Wen Zhou The new concessionary regimes of Gabon, Central Africa

Doctoral Pilot Awards

Kristy Barnes Identifying and Quantifying Nutrient Vectors of Rangifer Migration
Asa Cameron Crafting the nomadic state: Isotopic perspectives into pastoral practices and mobility in Mongolia from the Late Bronze Age through the Xiongnu Period.
Cassandra Clark  Evaluating the utility of spatial and activity-based exposure metrics for use in assessing exposure to carcinogens from unconventional oil and gas development in drinking water
Danica Doroski Urban Forest Stand Dynamics and Restoration Pathways
Erica Evans Investigating the influence of ice sheet substrate on accelerated melting: Faster flows on bedrock or regolith?
Ava Ghezelayagh Do Fishes Diversify Faster in Freshwater? A Comparative Analysis of Ostariophysi and Percomorpha
Chelsea Jack Hemp: An American Revival
Vanna Choo Sze Terratory Making: The Creation of Land and Social Relations in Singapore
Manon Lefevre Birth Control as an Environmental Priority: Interrogating the link between overpopulation and climate change in Madagascar
Alexie Millikin Proterozoic environmental change and drivers of early eukaryotic diversification
Katherine Orrick Theoretical Framework for Human-Wildlife Conflict
Chantal Parker Species delimitation and phylogenetic analysis of Trematomus (Notothenioidei: Nototheniidae) using restriction site associated DNA sequencing
Mansa Srivastav Testing biogeographic patterns in the Himalayan-Tibetan mountain system using the plant lineage Lonicera
Daniel Stadmauer Single-Cell Transcriptomics of Opossum Pregnancy


2018 Award Recipients

Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Awards

Matteo Fabbri Evo-devo approach for understanding the mechanism behind encephalization in modern birds
Jessica Glass Spatial and temporal trophic variability of a marine teleost predator, the Giant Trevally (Caranx ignobilis)
Nikunj Goel The importance of dispersal in determining the resilience of alternative stable state ecosystems
Michael Hanson Embryonic development of bird cranial muscles
Amanda Leiss Paleoenvironmental context of Early Stone Age Archaeology: An analysis of the Gona fauna between ~3 and 1 Ma.
Daniel MacGuigan Testing Ecological Speciation Using Intraspecific Contrasts
Franz Simon Does diet switching of mysids generate compensatory dynamics during low productivity years in the Guadalquivir River estuary?
Siyang Xia Comparing oviposition preference for multiple environmental variables between forest and domestic Aedes aegypti, the yellow fever mosquito

Doctoral Pilot Awards

Alyssa Arre Investigating the effects of early life stress on social competence development in rhesus macaques
Emily Briggs Assessing the effects of land-use change and forest cover loss on the demography of black-and-gold howler monkeys (Alouatta caraya) and owl monkeys (Aotus azarai) in the South American Gran Chaco
Paul Burrow Ecologies of Belonging: Piñon-Juniper Woodlands and the Cultural Politics of Nature in North America’s Great Basin
Alejandro Damian Serrano  Characterizing the functional morphology of siphonophore tentilla
Matthew Dougherty The Influence of Ecosystem Size on Eco-Evolutionary Feedbacks in Alewife (Alosa Psuedoharengus)
Hanna Ehrlich Understanding the Role of Mosquitos as Reservoirs of Antimalarial Drug Resistance
Sappho Gilbert Arctic climatic extremes and country food security: a qualitative study in two Inuit communities in Nunavut, Canada
Dae-Min Kim Invasive Genetics of Lepomis auritus (Teleostei, Centrarchidae)
Morgan Moeglein Leaf developmental plasticity recapitulates worldwide leaf shape trends in Viburnum
Kyra Prats Embolism vulnerability in Australian ferns, using recently developed methods
Daniel Smith Paredes The wing muscles development and the embryological basis for flight evolution and loss in birds
Mario Soriano Jr. Towards a quantitative framework for evaluating the vulnerability of drinking water wells to contamination from unconventional shale gas development
Sophie Westacott Does radiolarian morphology reflect seawater silicon concentration? A geographical approach
Wen Zhou Chinese forestry investments in Central Africa


2017 Award Recipients

Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Awards

Erica Barth-Naftilan Spatial and Temporal Trends in Methane and Ethane Surrounding Shale Gas Development
Janet Burke Exploring metabolism and morphology of live planktonic foraminifera in Bermuda
Madelon Case Root-niche partitioning by trees and grasses across rainfall and soil gradients in an African savanna
Elaine Gomez Guevara Epigenetics of Primate Longevity
Emily Oldfield Quantifying the relationship between soil organic matter and fertility
Katie Owers  Urban slum leptospirosis: Environmental determinants of infection and the effect of previous exposure on reinfection risk
Juan Penagos Zuluaga Ecology and evolution of breeding systems in the Lauraceae
Jon Powell Enabling and Enhancing Sustainable Materials Management through Waste Informatics
Miranda Sinnott-Armstrong Evolution of structural color in Viburnum fruits

Doctoral Pilot Awards

Mary Burak A landscape genetics approach to assessing human-lion coexistence in the Maasai Steppe, Tanzania
TC Chakraborty Investigating the impact of different levels of air pollution on the coupling between surface and canopy urban heat islands
Christopher Dutton Frequent hypoxic floods of the Mara River: the role of hippo pools and microbes in structuring the aquatic ecosystem
Yufang Gao Monitoring livestock depredation by large carnivores in Nyanpo Yutse on the eastern Tibetan Plateau
Stephen Gaughran Investigating the Genetics of Extinction: a case study in monk seals
Juri Miyamae Knowing the Nose:  Comparative Anatomy of Mammalian Proboscis Musculature
Nicolas Mongiardino Koch Resolving the backbone of the sea urchin tree of life with a transcriptomic approach
Julia Monk Puma predation, scavenging, and the fate of nutrients in the High Andes
Megan Sullivan Effects of selective logging on Afro-tropical forests and implications for sustainability
Anna Vinton Evolutionary Rescue in Nature: A modeling approach

Masters Awards

Kevin Dahms Short Term Sediment Dynamics of Estuaries Under Altered Tidal Conditions
Adam Eichenwald Consumptive and non-consumptive effects on grouse and indirect effects on primary producers from predation by Alaskan gyrfalcons
Cameron Musser Synchrotron X-ray microtomography analysis of Pinus ponderosa needle plasticity in response to drought
Elisabeth Ward Restoring New York’s urban forests: Effects of invasive vines on tree growth and carbon and nitrogen dynamics
Weiyang Zhao Assessing the effects of herbivory, elevation and microclimatic conditions on the regeneration of transitional forests of Cen Wang Lao Shan, Guangxi, southern China


2016 Award Recipients

Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Awards

David Auerbach Understanding the evolution of the Patagonian rain shadow through the Cenozoic
Katelyn Gray Reconstructing terrestrial climates using gar scales
Lan Jin Air pollution and adverse birth outcomes in Lanzhou, China
Daniel Field Origin of the modern avian locomotor apparatus across a neglected evolutionary interval
Jia Liu Effects of wildfire smoke on population health in the western U.S. under climate change
Hui Li New internal biothermometer in biomass-PO4 to study vent macrobiota at the seafloor and microbial life beneath the seafloor
Holger Petermann Influence of changes in climate on squamate growth: Implications for future biodiversity loss
Natalie Schultz Quantitative analysis of the effects of land cover change on climate extremes
Noah Sokol From plant carbon to stable soil organic carbon: Is the path travelled as important as the input itself?
Steve Whittaker Ambient air pollution per specific land use features in the Eastern Caribbean region
Michelle Young Land management practices and ecological verticality: A study of prehispanic environmental adaptation strategies at Atalla, Huancavelica, Peru
Yiqi Zheng Using relationships between photosynthesis and formaldehyde column as a probe of isoprene emission

Doctoral Pilot Awards

Janet Burke Planktonic foraminiferal morphology and porosity in a cooling ocean
Chloe Chen-Kraus Assessing impacts of anthropogenic disturbance on lemurs at Bezà Mahafaly Special Reserve, Madagascar
Devon Cole Silica cycling through the biosphere across the Permian-Triassic Extinction
Matteo Fabbri 4D dynamics of cells and tissues to revolutionize neurogenesis in Archosauria
Jessica Glass A comparison of stable isotope analytical techniques for a marine teleost predator, the Giant Trevally (Caranx ignobilis)
Michael Hanson The development and evolution of cranial kinesis in birds
Myles Lennon Diversifying the solar market from the top-down and bottom-up
Daniel MacGuigan Environmental effects on genomic signatures of hybridization
Jon Powell Establishing waste informatics to mitigate materials management impacts to the terrestrial biosphere
Peter Umunay Quantifying emissions from human-induced causes of forest degradation in the Congo Basin Region
Christopher Whalen Phylogenetic systematics of pan-Gnathostomata
Siyang Xia Oviposition preference in sylvatic and domestic populations of Aedes aegypti in Gabon

Masters Awards

Eliabeth Creech Stream surface light availability given stream order and riparian vegetation type
Danica Doroski Techniques for natural regeneration in urban forests
Taylor Ganz Impacts of air pollutants on alpine snowpacks in the Wind River Mountains of Wyoming
Juliana Hanle Relationships between bird abundance and diversity with post-harvest forest stand structure
Rachel Lowenthal Influence of land cover on phosphorus loads during storm events in Connecticut’s Farmington River watershed
Mariana Vedoveto Financial mechanisms for investments in water infrastructure in Brazil
Christine Weiss Genetic analysis of aboveground/belowground relationships between trees and other organisms
Katherine Wolf Residential racial and ethnic segregation and particulate air pollution levels in the United States
Lucia Woo Assessing potential human health impacts from wildfire smoke exposure in Alaskan communities


2015 Award Recipients

Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Awards

Ross Anderson Environmental controls on the Neoproterozoic (1000-541 million years ago) microfossil record from shales: Implications for the record of eukaryotic crown group diversification
Colin Donihue Putting trait variation in context: Understanding the impact of lizard hunting mode switching in human contexts
Marlyse Duguid Understory plant community response to forest management in a second-growth hardwood forest of the eastern United States
Daniel Field Origin of the modern avian locomotor apparatus across a neglected evolutionary interval
Jia Liu Effects of wildfire smoke on population health in the western U.S. under climate change
Valerie Morley Tracking allele frequencies in virus populations adapting to different rates of environmental change
Brian Park Understanding the adaptive significance of sterile marginal flowers in Viburnum (Adoxaceae)
Amelia Sancilio Aging variation in women: A comparative study of reproduction, activity, and senescence
Elizabeth Spriggs Phylogeny, phylogeography, and trait evolution in North American Viburnum
Azusa Takeishi Towards understanding the aerosol-convection relationships during the PECAN field campaign
Lily Zeng Transformations of indigenous knowledge and changing meanings of sacred nature in Xishuangbanna, Southwest China

Doctoral Pilot Awards

Eric Bellefroid Linking terrestrial geochemical cycles into global biogeochemical systems
Larry Bowman Characterizing intraspecific variation in freshwater foodwebs
Madelon Case Implications of changing rainfall intensity for tree-grass dynamics in savannas
Elizabeth Clark 3D locomotion modeling of an enigmatic echinoderm body plan
Elise Elliott Evaluation of residential proximity to shale gas development and concentrations of drinking water contaminants
Lan Jin Traffic pollution and congenital heart defects in Lanzhou city, China: a land use regression modeling study
Zachary McGraw Refining wind speed variability in a global climate model: the construction of a dynamic statistical framework for near-surface winds
Andrew Muehleisen Interspecific sensitivity to experimental drought of Neotropical tree seedling
Katherine Owers Using GPS to quantify human movement and risk of environmental exposure to leptospirosis in an urban slum setting
Carlos Penagos Zuluaga Ecology and evolution of the gynodioecious breeding system in early-divergent flowering plants

Masters Awards

Lara Iwanicki Marine protected areas effectiveness – Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands
Gina LaCerva Wild and toxic: Perceptions of purity in Arctic subsistence foods
Amber Roman Understanding natural amphibian sex ratios through field and museum specimens
Kyra Prats Relating drought to spatial and temporal changes in Quercus suber leaf morphology in Spain
Alexandra Todorovic-Jones Banj oak’s susceptibility to climate change
Meredith VanAcker The role of predation and parasitism in grassland food webs
Agnes Walton Planting adaptation in Peru: A study of farmer decision-making for risk management and climate adaptation
Katherine Weber Nutrient and sediment modeling in the Connecticut River Basin: A comparison of two models


2014 Award Recipients

Doctoral Discovery Awards

Timothy Webster Genomics of primate radiation: Speciation and diversification in the macaques

Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Awards

Colin Donihue What drives context dependent trait variability in a Greek lizard
Jessamy Doman The environmental backdrop to early homonid evolution: Paleontology in the Tugen Hills, Kenya
Anobha Gurung Understanding exposure to traffic related air pollution in urban areas in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal
Sarah Randle Making water and remaking space in Los Angeles
Meredith Atwood Unraveling the ecosystem dynamics of temporary ponds
Elizabeth Christeleit Late cenozoic glaciation and topographic evolution in the central Patagonian Andes
Kate Hacker Rodent population dynamics and leptospirosis in urban slum environments
Coco Liu Effects of wildfire smoke on community population health in the western US under climate change

Doctoral Pilot Awards

Ross Anderson Investigating the influence of clay minerals on Neoproterozoic microfossil preservation in the Zavkhan terrane, southwestern Mongolia
Kendall Arslanian Effects of disease burden on reproductive maturity in the Toba population of Argentina
Katelyn Gray Reconstructing terrestrial climates using gar scales
Elaine Guevara Genetic and environmental contributions to population-level phenotypic variation in Verraux’s sifaka
Chris Hebdon Development imaginaries in Ecuador’s “Energy Transition”
Lan Jin Proximity to heavy traffic and congenital heart defects in Lanzhou, China
Max Lambert Ontogenetic timing of amphibian sex ratio bias
Dan Maynard Linking fungal traits to ecosystem function
Fjodor Melnikov Predicting toxicity of organic by products formed during the conversion of sustainable carbohydrates to y-valerolactone green liquid
Alexandria Moore Wetland restoration and trophic interactions: Impacts on ecosystem structure and function
Amrutasri Nori-Sarma Understanding the impacts of air pollution and temperature on public health in Pondicherry, India
Holger Petermann Sexual dimorphism in growth rates of the Teeid lizard: implications for assessment of growth and age in extinct squamates
Ignacio Quintero Speciation and range limits in the Andes: origin and maintenance of biodiversity
Samuel Snow Evolution of male social structure and lek breeding: a new paradigm for sexual conflict
Noah Sokol Ecosystem impacts of plant invasions: the underground story
Elizabeth Spriggs Intraspecific trait variation in North American Viburnum and its consequences for macroevolution

Masters Awards

Kelly Aho Aqueous greenhouse gas flux in the Salmon river watershed
Mikael Cejtin Fear and foraging: Vicuna responses to puma predation risk in the high Andes
Catherine Kuhn Improving water resource resilience for arid ranchlands
Hale Morrell Bird species diversity and abundance in multi-aged shelterwood stands in southern New England
Madeleine Rubenstein Decoupling direct and indirect effects of atmospheric warming on respiration and decomposition rates of wood-decay fungi
Jeffrey Smith Cascading ecological effects of landscape moderated biodiversity
Colby Tucker Dissolved organic carbon cycling in a glacial estuary

Learn more about the YIBS Small Grants Program.